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Assisted Living
Boredom can be mind-numbing and can make every moment intolerable than the previous one. Studies also show that boredom can be fatal. It is found that people who said that they are very bored at work are 250% more likely to die of cardiovascular diseases when compared to others.
Studies show that interactions can keep adults active and that remaining mentally active can ensure healthier and longer lives for seniors. Assisted living facilities can ensure that seniors remain mentally and physically active, and thereby ensure healthier and longer lives for them. Activities for seniors are important as they can save their lives.
Staying connected can help elder adults maintain emotional and physical health and can also ensure good cognitive function. There is evidence that good relations can improve our immune functioning and can improve health outcomes. For the most part, it is true in the case of seniors.
Even though people of all ages can be isolated, and bored, the risk is more in seniors as they will be usually not working and are much likely to suffer from cognitive and physical problems, making it difficult for them to get out. Moving to an assisted living community can be a great way to avoid loneliness and boredom due to aging. Senior living communities are designed with common areas that allow for easy socializing. In addition, they also offer many recreational and entertainment opportunities to seniors. Many senior living communities offer planned trips that can stimulate the minds of seniors and help them connect with others.
Learning new crafts, hobbies or arts can be a very good way to increase focus, stimulate the brain and boost a sense of self-esteem. Assisted living facilities can provide anything from painting to scrapbooking, drawing, or woodworking. Life history writing is another great activity that can be beneficial for seniors. This can also be a great way to explore the memories of elderly adults.
People with a sense of purpose are rarely lonely and bored. Understanding this, some assisted living and senior living communities have started to provide their residents a chance to work on community service projects. These projects can offer a sense of purpose to seniors and can help them develop collaborative relationships. A study suggests that many seniors like to volunteer as they wish to help others live healthier and longer lives.