Assisted Living

The Importance Of Staying Active After A Dementia Diagnosis

February 15, 2023 Category:
Assisted Living

Assisted Living

When you have a dementia diagnosis, it is crucial to keep doing the activities you enjoy. You can still be engaged and active; you just might need to go about things a little bit differently.

After receiving a dementia diagnosis, you might start to worry about the future or lose confidence. You might not feel like going out or doing the activities you usually do. However, you will be able to live well with dementia, if you continue to be engaged and busy. Others still value you, and you still have a lot to offer your family, friends, and society. Memory care experts in our assisted living facility share the importance of staying active after a dementia diagnosis.

Why Should You Stay Active After A Dementia Diagnosis?  

Staying involved and active is crucial because it keeps you in contact with others or re-connects you with them, which can help you avoid feeling lonely. It can be reassuring to have friends and family to talk to and share time with. Knowing that there are people you can ask for assistance when necessary is also comforting.

In addition, staying active can help you:

  • Feel happier and less anxious or sad
  • Maintain your physical, mental, and social skills while boosting your self-confidence in your abilities.
  • Share your experiences with other dementia sufferers.
  • Express your emotions and build relationships.

How To Keep Active When You Have Dementia?

You don’t have to stop doing what you do because you have dementia. However, to make things simpler, safer, or more pleasant for you, you might need to make a few minor adjustments. You might find that tasks take much longer or that you can’t do them as well as before. This may make you angry or irritated. Try to be gentle with yourself. You might need assistance to complete some tasks. It can be challenging to adjust to this, but it’s crucial to continue doing the things you appreciate, even if they require a little help.

You might want to speak with a professional if certain tasks, like getting dressed, cooking, or shopping, become challenging. An occupational therapist can determine what’s making these activities challenging, such as issues with movement, mobility, or recollection. They will make suggestions on how to maintain your independence longer. To schedule an evaluation, speak with your GP, adult social services, or another health or social care expert.

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